Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Day 2 of testing

After illegally flipping to the back of the answer pamphlet after the same procedures as yesterday were carried out, it turns out that we have yet another dose of picture prompts, critical reading, and persuasion up next.

That aside, today's work was rather easy to do despite all of the scare tactics that our instructors had tried on us. Either that, or the persuasive essay I had to draw up — a letter protesting the removal of the football team at a school — made it all seem very easy and simple. If I had memorised the litany I had given the phantasmal school board, I'd walk you through it all; all I can say now is that while I was able to come up with three long reasons why removing the football team would be detrimental to the district, I went off on a tangent a bit and had a go at them for supposedly being competitive.

Lastly, let me make it known to you that our team is revered by all others across the prefecture, and that they are training their teams whilst pipe-dreaming of defeating us. . . .I know some of you lot to be competive, so it may not turn out well for you if you wish to remain at the cream of the crop.

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